
Showing posts from August, 2020


Ever watched a comic film with superheroes, where the actors have to fight certain enemies. They use several weapons, from spears to swords, bombs, claws, and so many others. But there's something worthy of note in some of the action movies. A shield. Many a time, it is not just the handheld tool, it is the type that covers the entire land or a spaceship, or the actors. This prevents invasion from outsiders, and receives bullets or bombs fired against the characters. It takes a lot to break this covering, and in most cases, it cannot be broken. Alright, back to the real world. 😊 We live in a world full of vices and attacks. While we know the some of the origins of these attacks, there are many we do not know. But we know we have one enemy - Satan - who manifests himself in different shades. These attacks come in various forms, (sicknesses, pains, deaths, losses, etc) and they are both spiritual and physical. Some we see them, some we don't. The word of God in 1 Peter 5:8 says


The Bible tells us in 1 Samuel 2:9b “by strength shall no man prevail”. The truth is that we don’t walk with God by our strength, because God does not work with our strength. The strongest man on earth is extremely weak before God. We walk with God by God working through us! Few years ago, the Lord ministered this word to my spirit. He said "it is not by your strength that we’ll walk with God. God will work through you. He’ll strengthen you that way. It may not be easy, but it is not difficult". This confirms His word from the scripture in  Philippians 2:13 For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose. God is glorified when His power is manifested even in our weakness. This is how He strengthens us. When we feel we’re tired of this race, when challenges seem to overwhelm us, He works in us to have the will and act the way He desires, for our own good. Men who have walked with God for 50, 70, or even 100 years of their lives never did


I've seen people who speak harshly to their subordinates. They treat them anyhow they like, and even lambaste them before other people. The irony of this is that these people expect their subordinates or their followers to exhibit humility. If they react in someway other than what their leaders want, it is counted as pride. Don't test people's humility by treating them badly. Don't say that man is proud because he walked out you while you were scolding him like a kid publicly. Don't say that lady is arrogant because she talked back at you when you were obviously and intentionally embarrassing her by saying horrible things to her privately or publicly. (Meanwhile, I am not giving an excuse for people to disrespect their leaders). A lot of people are guilty of this; pastors not excluded. I've been a witness, and this is not nice at all. Forced humility or humility by coercion is not Christianity. Unfortunately, many people suffer in silence in the hands of these


The little bird is not afraid to fly, thinking that it will fall and die when it pushes out into the empty air. Rather, it knows that the empty air is the element devised in order to hold it, and not only to hold it, but lift it to the upper skies. One of our fathers in Christendom once said "faith is a force of no limits". The above story about the little bird tells us about the attributes of faith and trust the bird possesses. Many a time, people fail, not because of the challenges that confront them, but because they stopped looking for something to hold on to when they wind of life blows. Like Hebrew 11:1 tells us  What is faith? It is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead.   AMP We can't stop the wind from blowing, but we can, like the bird, choose to spread out our wings and soar higher. This is the point where we want something to happen.


  Angie was so determined to get to the end of the finishing line. She had always won the marathon race since her junior school. Sweat was running down her beautiful oval face. She thought of the fame attached to her name Angela Briggs. Everyone in school knew her. The guys keep flocking around her just to get a chance to be her friend. Some girls liked her, others simply envied her. Being such a talented athlete and keeping a slender body and fine curves come with a price, she thought. She was not ready to drag her name to the mud by not emerging as the first person in this race. "I've run the marathon four times in this school and everyone knows I'll win even before race gets started" said Angie. She looked behind her and couldn't see any of the athletes in the race. As usual they are way behind and may never catch up with her. Or so she thought. Finding a can of Soda wasn't difficult as they are kept on the sides of the road for the athletes in the race. Gu


 As the year is coming to an end gradually, lots of people are wondering what they've achieved. Others are searching to know a positive significant thing that has happened to them, except to sleep, eat, watch movies, and back to sleep again. Some have even given up on this year and waiting for the year 2021. If you're in this boat, hey, you're not alone. You've got company! 😃  But 2021 cannot come until this year runs out. The big question is "what are you gonna do for the rest of this year"? You're not gonna sit around checking the calendar and counting the numbers on the clock. 😏 There are so many things to do at this time as a believer in Christ Jesus, but I'll just pen down some of them which are keys to staying on top during these trying time. 1. Do Not Fear Yes I know this is one of the most common phrases people hear. In fact, it appears 365 times in the Holy Scriptures. Nevertheless, it is the most overlooked and disobeyed; and of course one