Angie was so determined to get to the end of the finishing line. She had always won the marathon race since her junior school. Sweat was running down her beautiful oval face. She thought of the fame attached to her name Angela Briggs. Everyone in school knew her. The guys keep flocking around her just to get a chance to be her friend. Some girls liked her, others simply envied her. Being such a talented athlete and keeping a slender body and fine curves come with a price, she thought. She was not ready to drag her name to the mud by not emerging as the first person in this race.

"I've run the marathon four times in this school and everyone knows I'll win even before race gets started" said Angie.

She looked behind her and couldn't see any of the athletes in the race. As usual they are way behind and may never catch up with her. Or so she thought. Finding a can of Soda wasn't difficult as they are kept on the sides of the road for the athletes in the race. Gulping down half of the can, Angie breathed deeply and aloud. She decided to sit on a bench in a shelter by the roadside and rest a little more, shunning the words of some spectators around who encouraged her to keep running. Leaning  She was super convinced that she had everything in control.

 "Wake up Angie, wake up"! Said one.

"You're gonna lose the race! Wake up"! Said another.

Slowly opening her eyes, she saw her fellow students around her and then her eyes went to the road immediately. Angie saw other athletes running down the road to the finishing line which was just few kilometres ahead. Within few seconds she was on the road, running with more speed than when she started. In the bid to out run others, she lost control and fell on a bent knee.

Lying on the stretcher and thinking about her fame as an athlete more than her knee, Angie wished she hadn't been too confident in herself. She was being carried away from the road before the race ended.

Finishing is better than starting! Patience is better than pride! Ecclesiastes 7:8 TLB

Indeed, finishing is better than starting. Solomon himself could witness that it is not the beginning of a man that matters but the end thereof. It is at the end that we know those who ran well, those who persevered, and those who really ran with God. Many people start well, even as Christians; but in the end, they go off the track. Stay on track. Run on your lane, so you won't be disqualified. Stick to the ministry or vocation God has called you into. Let it be your testimony that you finished your course, like Paul testified.

Also, a lot of people face diverse challenges, and it seems that our beginning is so tough and stressful. It looks like we can't make it. the Lord is giving you an assurance that the end is better. This is why the scripture further says that the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. Why? Patience keeps you humble before God! Even when it looks like life's challenges have brought us 'down' physically or mentally, we keep waiting, hoping, and trusting in and on God in all humility. The proud in spirit prefers to find his way and not wait on God. 

I know sometimes, nature calls. We get tired and want a break from life. But our rest does not come from sitting and doing nothing. Our rest is in Christ Jesus. When we learn to live and not survive, we stop struggling. Jesus said come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, I will give you rest Matthew 11:28. So when next you feel like not continuing, just rest in the loving arms of Jesus. He'll carry you through all the way.

You may need to go for a vacation, or have a retreat, and just move away from the busy schedules in life. But your your prayer life, worship, word study, and your entire relationship with God cannot be on a vacation. You need them 24/7. Not for activity sake, but for love's sake. They help to refill the oil in your lamp. Love for the Master and the Master's presence keeps you on fire. It keeps you going when the people, the fame, the wealth are not there.

It's easy to start a journey but not easy to finish it. It takes determination and perseverance. Be shure to count the cost first. So before going into that marriage, starting that school course, business, or whatever vocation or field of endeavor, ensure you check what it would cost you. Remain humble and persistent. You can never sprint your way in life. The race is not for the swift nor the battle to the strong. Keep looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith; you're not only gonna finish the race, but you'll finish strong.

If you are reading this and you want to make your life right with God, I encourage you to go ahead and talk to God. He hears you and He is ready to have you in His arms and transform your life. Say and mean this prayer, 

"Lord Jesus. I invite you into my life to be my LORD and Savior. Please cleanse me by Your Blood, delete my name from the book of death and please write it in the Book of Life. I receive the Grace to live for You and serve You, in Jesus' Name, Amen".


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