As the year is coming to an end gradually, lots of people are wondering what they've achieved. Others are searching to know a positive significant thing that has happened to them, except to sleep, eat, watch movies, and back to sleep again. Some have even given up on this year and waiting for the year 2021. If you're in this boat, hey, you're not alone. You've got company! πŸ˜ƒ 

But 2021 cannot come until this year runs out. The big question is "what are you gonna do for the rest of this year"? You're not gonna sit around checking the calendar and counting the numbers on the clock. 😏 There are so many things to do at this time as a believer in Christ Jesus, but I'll just pen down some of them which are keys to staying on top during these trying time.

1. Do Not Fear

Yes I know this is one of the most common phrases people hear. In fact, it appears 365 times in the Holy Scriptures. Nevertheless, it is the most overlooked and disobeyed; and of course one of the most common tools the devil uses to torment God's people. One scripture that will help you to not live in fear and to have confidence in God is Hebrews 13:6.

So we take comfort and are encouraged and confidently say, “The Lord is my Helper [in time of need], I will not be afraid. What will man do to me?” AMP

This verse is simply a reaction to God's promise in the previous verse to never leave us nor forsake us. Here comes our boldness to SAY. We say it because God said it. You cannot fear because you have a Helper. Notice that He didn't just promise to help, He is our Helper already. Psalm 46:1 tells us that He is a very present Help....It's not a one-off thing or one-time help, it is who He is. When men have a problem with the tap at home, they call a plumber, when their cars breakdown, they call the mechanic or go to him, when they have a problem with their bank account, they contact the bank. But in all these and more, they never call on God, and when things go out of hand, they blame God still. There are so many plumbers out there, but if you don't call on one to help you with that pipe or tap that got damaged, you're gonna struggle all by yourself trying to fix it.

Bottom line is, when you know that God is your Helper, you will not fear, and you wouldn't care what the enemy will do, because He can no longer torment you or hold you down. 

2. Your Will to Live

The spirit of a man sustains him in sickness, But as for a broken spirit, who can bear it? AMP

This clearly talks about your personal will. It has the power to sustain a person in very difficult times. It must not be a physical sickness, but it could be that state or condition when you're at your wits end. Yours might be a broken marriage or divided family, bankruptcy, failure in exams, no job, or even a life threatening illness. COVID-19 might have added to all of these, and you feel you can't take it anymore. If you lose your will, you might be losing your last hope. This is different from the will of another man, or his wishes, or prayers of others. They work quite well, but if you do not have the will to live or come out of that situation, they might be pouring water on a big rock. This is your conviction, your inner strength. It is what sustains us. Never let the devil steal this spirit, this will. Hold unto it, even if it looks foolish. Take the word of God to your heart and hold it there, because when God's will becomes our will, it would be easy to hold unto it. We know that it is impossible for God to lie.

3. Work it Out and Work Hard

Life must be lived to the fullest as long as one has it. Some people are thinking that the world will end very soon, so they are simply relaxing and not doing much waiting till the world ends. But you know what, the first century Christians thought so too. Each generation will experience some events that might convince people that the world will soon end. Indeed it will, and it could end now!

But hey, it has not, which is why I'm still typing this. So while you still have breath, work out that which the Lord has placed in your heart and hands. The writer of Ecclesiastes 9:10, Solomon, admonishes us this way.

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might; for there is no activity or planning or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol (the nether world, the place of the dead) where you are going. AMP

God is challenging our hearts with the issue of hard work, perseverance, and determination. He has put something in our hands, and He's saying that whatever our hands find doing (of course the true and virtuous jobs), we should do them well and heartily. I started writing during this pandemic period. I've always had the passion and had been doing some write ups before now. But God opened my eyes better during this time to advance in my writing. I have other things that keep my hands busy too. That plan or activity or wisdom, or knowledge must not go down to Sheol when you die. Myles Munroe of blessed memory once said that the grave is full of many potentials. Don't let it waste. There's still time to make that investment, write that book, take up that course or job, start that business, write that song, share that knowledge. There's still enough time to do that which you've always wanted to do. Don't be redundant. Do it with all your might. It's gonna work if you let it.

NB: If you are reading this and you want to make your life right with God, I encourage you to go ahead and talk to God. He hears you and He is ready to have you in His arms and transform your life. Say and mean this prayer, 

"Lord Jesus. I invite you into my life to be my LORD and Savior. Please cleanse me by Your Blood, delete my name from the book of death and please write it in the Book of Life. I receive the Grace to live for You and serve You, in Jesus' Name, Amen".


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