Have you ever embarked on a journey where you did not have to cross anything? It could be crossing the road to get to the bus stop or you are in your car and need to move to the other side of the road? Life is a journey; we all know that. At different points in our lives there would always be advancements. No one wants to be static/stagnated. You need to be intentional and determined to make it to the end of our journey. 

One day Jesus told his disciples in Mark 4:35-41 “Let's cross to the other side of the Lake”. What does the other side mean? It signifies advancements, growth, opportunities for improvement in life, and miracles. Unfortunately, many people are afraid or unwilling to cross over. There is more to life than what you may be seeing now.

On the other side, you allow Jesus to take full charge and control over your life. It is a pace where you are no longer a slave to sin. The storms of life may arise as seen in the verse 37, which may want you to go back or make you afraid like the disciples were. But with Jesus in your boat, you are assured of safety. He will rebuke the wind and speak peace to every storm that may be raging right now. He only needs you to have faith in Him.

For another category of people, this invitation is for you to launch deeper and grow in your relationship with the Lord. Enough of bread and butter, but it is time eat hard meats of the Word of God. it is time to deepen your study life, prayer, obedience, faith, and every aspect of your walk with God. It is also a time to be alone with God and concentrate on things that matter most in life (Mk 6:31). Many things are important but not all things require the same level of attention. This is a call to refocus your priorities.

Crossing over to the other side is also relevant to other areas of your life; you career, education, ministry, marriage etc. You need courage to take steps starting a new course or aim for a higher qualification, to either improve your business or start up a new one, to strive for excellence at your workplace, and in whatever your hand finds to do.

This invitation encompasses all areas of a man's life. Jesus is waiting to cross the road with you, and He is ready to carry you through the hurdles of life. Only trust Him.  


You need to have Jesus in the boat of your life and let Him be the Captain of your destiny. Say this prayer with all your heart

"Lord Jesus. I invite you into my life to be my LORD and Savior. Please cleanse me by Your Blood, delete my name from the book of death and write it in the Book of Life. I receive the Grace to live for You and serve You, in Jesus' Name, Amen".


  1. Hallelujah! I'm crossing over to the other side of advancement


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