The book of Proverbs chapters 28 and 29 talk a lot about the righteous and the wicked, and their influence in various circumstances of life. For instance, Proverbs 28 verse 28 tells us that “when wicked rise men hide themselves, when they perish the righteous increase”. You know most of the rulers we have in our world today are unrighteous and they love to see the people hide themselves. They love to see the people scramble under their tables, looking for shelter, trying to save themselves even while suffering. They love to see the people beg them and cry for their own rights. This is the situation of many nations today. People suffer hunger and lack but they cannot talk, lest they suffer more harm. But we do not live to hide. We live to stand up against ungodliness. The scripture also says that when they perish the righteous increase. Truly the Lord does not desire the death of a sinner. So, we may not outrightly pray that ungodly leaders should die because God desires that they live to repent. But of course, if they do not, their punishment cannot be quantified.

However, we pray for the death and perishing of evil in our land. We are declaring that the wickedness of the wicked comes to an end. When this happens the righteous and righteousness will increase in our land. The Lord will give us righteous people who will have authority in the government, in the government parastatals, in our organizations, communities, and institutions, so that righteousness will prevail in the land in the name of Jesus.

Lastly, in Proverbs 29:16 the Bible says that “when the wicked are multiplied transgression increases, but the righteous shall see their fall”. Look around you, evil, transgression, crime, vices, etc. seem to be the order of the day in our nations because the wicked have multiplied themselves. They keep giving birth to their kind, which is why it looks like it would never end. But no! It must and will. The Bible says the righteous shall see their fall. We shall see the fall of the wicked in our nations and the fall of unrighteousness. We shall see the reign of righteousness, the leadership of the godly, of the righteous in our lands in the name of Jesus. Evil shall not prevail in Jesus’ mighty name, amen.


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