The world is currently in a state of disarray, and this is not a peculiar to a country or continent as most people might think. The entire world seems to be going through changing times and difficult ones are that. What does the word of God tell us about perilous times like this? The question we should always ask ourselves is, what is my place as a child of God in these trying times? 

Recently in my home country Nigeria, we experienced horrific events. Lives were lost, blood was shed in many places, people scrambling and wondering what next to do. 2 Peter 2: 9 says “The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations I reserve the unjust until the day of judgment to be punished”. Yes, there is deliverance, there is salvation, and it is only in the name of the Lord Jesus shall we be saved. 

The Bible also tells us that the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous runs into it and is safe. This was what Noah did when he entered the Ark with his family. Jesus is that Ark, the strong tower, our pavilion, and tabernacle. Therefore, no matter what trials you may be going through right now, be it personal challenges or societal troubles, Jehovah will deliver us out of every temptation. He is not blind to the things that we are going through, neither is He deaf to the cries of His people. One other thing that comfort us is the second aspect of that verse that says that He reserves the unjust onto the day of judgment to be punished. I know many of us, including myself, want the unjust people we know today to be punished right away, but the Lord reserves them for that singular purpose. Since they would not repent there is always that time of judgement, and it is only left to the Lord too perform that. For that reason, we should not keep our minds thinking about the wicked. Bible tells us in Psalm 37:1&2 not to fret because of evildoers, for they shall soon be cut down. Instead we should fix our mind on the Lord’s deliverance. 

Again, another important thing is to remain godly. This word is to them that are godly. May you not be among those who would step out of the faith. We are not of them that fall back unto perdition.



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