
Showing posts from October, 2020


The book of Proverbs chapters 28 and 29 talk a lot about the righteous and the wicked, and their influence in various circumstances of life. For instance, Proverbs 28 verse 28 tells us that “when wicked rise men hide themselves, when they perish the righteous increase”. You know most of the rulers we have in our world today are unrighteous and they love to see the people hide themselves. They love to see the people scramble under their tables, looking for shelter, trying to save themselves even while suffering. They love to see the people beg them and cry for their own rights. This is the situation of many nations today. People suffer hunger and lack but they cannot talk, lest they suffer more harm. But we do not live to hide. We live to stand up against ungodliness. The scripture also says that when they perish the righteous increase. Truly the Lord does not desire the death of a sinner. So, we may not outrightly pray that ungodly leaders should die because God desires that they live


The world is currently in a state of disarray, and this is not a peculiar to a country or continent as most people might think. The entire world seems to be going through changing times and difficult ones are that. What does the word of God tell us about perilous times like this? The question we should always ask ourselves is, what is my place as a child of God in these trying times?  Recently in my home country Nigeria, we experienced horrific events. Lives were lost, blood was shed in many places, people scrambling and wondering what next to do. 2 Peter 2: 9 says “The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations I reserve the unjust until the day of judgment to be punished”. Yes, there is deliverance, there is salvation, and it is only in the name of the Lord Jesus shall we be saved.  The Bible also tells us that the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous runs into it and is safe. This was what Noah did when he entered the Ark with his family. Jesus is that Ark,


PMI (Project Management Institute) simply defines a project as a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.  Therefore, we understand that project management involves all the processes put in place and carried out to ensure successful delivery of project expectations within the timeframe. Many "beautiful" projects have failed today, while others are on their way to hit the rock because of lack of proper management. This is why we study project management to learn the best practices on how to be successful in our endeavors. It is also imperative not to think of a project as building or road constructions, rockets, software packages, etc. The simple act of waking up in the morning and going to work is a project. Now this is the point where we sip a cup of lemon juice🍹 to pause 😊. YOUR LIFE IS A PROJECT ! Sadly, this is one project people do not bother to manage. We spend billions preparing and working on projects, that we forget about our ow