
Showing posts from January, 2021


I opened my eyes and I realized that it was still very early in the morning, but I was already tired of laying in bed. I stayed for a little while and then angrily got up. For some reasons I was so sad that morning. I was thinking of so many things I did not have, and I needed them, and so many things I needed to do that I did not know how to go about them. I was weighed down by the thoughts of these. Getting to the siting room, I laid down on our couch. Studied a chapter of the Bible and dozed off. I fell into a trance where I was singing a hymn ‘ All people that on earth do dwell ’, and then I got to the third verse where it says “For why the Lord our God is good, His mercy is forever sure. His truth at all times firmly stood and shall from age to age endure ”.  Tears were rolling down my eyes, and I soon started to cry in the physical. I continued worshipping God the way I did in that trance. I understood the word the Lord spoke to me in the third verse of that hymn. Not very long