
Showing posts from September, 2020


There comes a time in our lives when it seems like we are living in a very dry land. We are so thirsty to drink clean water and be refreshed in this life full of many troubles. In fact, sometimes, it feels like we're actually choking from the challenges that face us everyday. This feeling leads many to depression and even suicide in some cases. This is the wilderness of life, and one deception the enemy brings to a man is to make him feel like he's alone in that wilderness and no other person has the kind of problems he has. I had a time like that when I felt other people were lucky and happy. I was even in the campus fellowship and seeing the way some of the brethren would sing and dance made me think all was well with them and it deepened my frustration. Thanks to God for His deliverance. The bible explains how God redeems us and makes our life anew. To redeem is to repay, to save, to recover. The latter is very essential and this is why God is so interested in it. Isaiah 43


  "How are you sure your mother is really your mother?"  "What if they lied to you?" "What if the DNA test was a scam?" "Just because you grew up and saw yourself in their midst doesn't mean they're truly your parents". These were the statements from our lecturer on the first day of class in that course. He bombarded us with these words to raise critical and analytical thinking in us. I had just been admitted into the Philosophy department of the school as an undergraduate. He wanted us to begin to doubt everything and start thinking afresh to determine what the truth is; like of Ancient Philosopher, Rene Descartes. Anyway, we're not talking about about philosophy today. 😄 Most of us never questioned the identity of those we call our parents today. We never even wondered if they are truly our biological parents. This is not to undermine being adopted as a child or having foster parents; and both are really good. But apart from these


1. Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling              calling for you and for me, See on the portals He's waiting and watching watching for you and for me. Refrain: Come home, come; you who are weary come home, earnestly tenderly Jesus is calling, calling, Oh sinner, come home.   The above is the first stanza and refrain of one of my favorite hymns written by Will L. Thompson in 1880. It has been sung severally, and I would like us to look through the wordings for understanding, while we sing with our spirits.  I hear the soft and tender voice of Jesus calling for you and for me. I do not know about you, but I hope you do hear Him as well. Now He could be calling us to different levels, realms, and capacities, so do not think this post is not for you. If you have not surrendered your life to Jesus for Him to become your Lord and Savior, friend and brother, then you need to answer this call. What have you been waiting for? This is the best decision you'd ever make. It's a to


  Two young men brought their offerings to the Lord one day. One was a farmer, and the other reared animals. They were brothers from same parents. They had worked so hard, and in the process of time, they made this offering to the Lord. But the Lord accepted one, and rejected the other. WHY? This has always been the question in the minds of many people. This is the story of Cain and Abel. Ah yes! It's very popular, so it's nothing new. We've heard, read, and spoken about it since when we were kids. We were even told in the children's ministry that Cain brought decayed and putrefied crops, so he was the one who got rejected. And then Abel brought a very fat and good looking ram as sacrifice, so God was so pleased that He couldn't find any fault in Abel's offering. The mistake we've always made whenever we read this story in Genesis 4 is to always condemn Cain and applaud Abel, and never look at ourselves. In fact, for some persons, they've outgrown this s